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Posted by New Hampshire Medical Supply on 03/26/2023

Bedroom Safety for Older Adults

Bedroom Safety for Older Adults

What are the must-have safety accessories for bedroom safety for an elderly patient?

Several safety accessories can be helpful for an elderly patient in the bedroom. Here are some must-have safety accessories:

1.    Bed Rails: Bed rails are a simple but effective way to prevent falls in the elderly. They can be attached to the bed frame and provide a barrier to prevent the patient from rolling off the bed.

2.    Trapeze Bar: A trapeze bar is a medical device to help patients move and position themselves while in bed.

3.    Grab Bars: Grab bars can be installed near the bed, especially near the entry and exit points, to provide support when getting in and out of bed.

4.    Non-Slip Mats: Non-slip mats can be placed near the bed to prevent slips and falls when getting in and out of bed. They can also be placed in the bathroom and other areas of the home.

5.    Overbed Table: An overbed table can provide a stable surface for meals, medications, and other activities. This can prevent spills and accidents while the patient is in bed.

6.    In-Home Rollator Walker: In-home rollator walkers are super lightweight rollator walkers which are designed to be used inside of the residence.

7.    Patient Slings: Slings are used to transport patients from bed to a chair or to a bathroom.

8.    Motion Sensor Lights: Motion sensor lights can be installed in the bedroom and bathroom to provide light when the patient gets up at night. This can prevent falls and accidents caused by poor visibility.

9.    Medical Alert System: A medical alert system can provide peace of mind for patient and their caregivers. In case of an emergency, the patient can press a button to call for help.

In conclusion, ensuring bedroom safety is an essential aspect of care for elderly patients who may have limited mobility, balance, or other physical or cognitive impairments. Installing safety accessories such as bed rails, trapeze bars, and overbed tables can help to prevent falls, reduce the risk of injury, and promote independence and comfort for the patient.

When choosing safety accessories for the bedroom, it is important to consider the patient's specific needs and circumstances, as well as their level of mobility and independence. It is also important to choose high-quality, durable products that are installed and used safely and appropriately.

In addition to safety accessories, other factors to consider when promoting bedroom safety for an elderly patient include proper lighting, clear pathways, and accessible bathrooms. It is important to take a holistic approach to promote safety and comfort in the bedroom, taking into account the patient's physical, emotional, and social needs.

Overall, with careful attention to safety and comfort, the bedroom can be a safe and supportive environment for elderly patients, promoting health, well-being, and independence.

This article was originally published on LinkedIN

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  • www.nhmedsupply.com
  • 202-726-3100
  • 5001 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington DC 20011

Discussion with Saleem Shah and Tanya Chianese of New Hampshire Medical Supply 

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