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Posted 05/08/2021

Survey: 23% of Americans are leaving funeral costs up to their families to figure out

Survey: 23% of Americans are leaving funeral costs up to their families to figure out

 Choice Mutual’s report on America’s End-of-Life Preparedness.  The survey studied how well American's are prepared for death—from prepping their wills to leaving instructions for their loved ones regarding their personal affairs. They asked 1,500 Americans about their end-of-life preparations and opinions to find out what plans they have (or don’t have). Here’s what they found. 

  • Nearly half of Americans have less than $1,000 set aside for funeral costs (this includes life insurance policies)
  • 68% of respondents say you should have a will created by the time you turn 50
  • Female respondents were 9% more likely to be an organ donor than males

Click here to view a summary of the survey

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