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Posted 08/02/2023

Accepting applications for fully-funded therapeutic arts workshops for older adults and their caregivers

Accepting applications for fully-funded therapeutic arts workshops for older adults and their caregivers

Arts for the Aging Accepting Applications for The Creative Connections Project

Fully-funded therapeutic arts workshops for older adults and their caregivers

Arts for the Aging is accepting applications for The Creative Connections Project, a series of participatory arts workshops designed to alleviate the harmful effects of social isolation and loneliness in older adults. There is no cost to the accepted applicants. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.


Selected long-term care communities in Montgomery County, MD each will receive a series of four workshops, sponsored through funding from the American Rescue Plan Act and the County’s Department of Health and Human Services, to alleviate the negative health effects of social isolation, and to increase artful, therapeutic connection for older adults (age 60+) and caregivers. Together with long-term care communities, Arts for the Aging will co-create multidisciplinary, participatory, and inclusive arts programming tailored to client and participant needs. Workshops will be hosted by professional Arts for the Aging Teaching Artists. Potential workshops include creative movement, visual art, creative writing, drawing, painting, musical theater, photography, and more.


Eligible communities (1) identify as a long-term care or residential community, (2) are located in Montgomery County, Maryland, (3) have at least four older adults ages 60+ (and their caregivers) present in programs, and (4) experienced the negative health effects of social isolation due to long-term stay-at-home recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

To be considered to receive programs, please apply with the following link: https://survey.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0SutHbrv98J9Tts

Brochure CCP Brochure, v.rtd.pdf


Kayla Conklin (301) 637-4437 kconklin@aftaarts.org

Book a 30-minute application-help appointment:


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